View Full Version : Chilli Cheese Toast Recipe

CaLmInG MeLoDy 123
01-31-2017, 02:29 PM
https://6d1bdf0e0edb084eae10-5bfabe5484726969ac662c6d377e2f3c.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.c om/uploads/old/ymK3FjViC4.jpg


8 nos. bread slices
4 nos. onions
08 nos. green chillies
20 gms green coriander
8 slices processed cheese
1 lemon
Salt to taste

How to make chilli cheese toast :

Peel, mash and chop the onions.
Remove stems, mash, slit, de seed and chop green chillies.
Clean, mash and chop green coriander.
Mix all the chopped vegetables, and lemon juice and salt to it and mix it well.
Toast the bread slices under an electric toast till they become golden brown in colour.
Sprinkle the vegetables mixture evenly on the plain side of the toast and cover with the cheese slices.
Put the slices back in the toast and toast it till the colour of the cheese changes to light golden brown.
Remove the toast from toaster and cut off the edges of the toasts.
Cut each toast into two pieces and serve hot.