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View Full Version : Pineapple Sauce Recipe

CaLmInG MeLoDy 123
03-02-2019, 07:06 PM
pineapple sauce

1 can of diced pineapples (Del Monte works best)
¾ tsp corn flour
½ cup water
8-10 carrot shavings (thinly-sliced squares)
8-10 cucumber shavings (thinly-sliced squares)
½ tbsp corn (optional)
1 stalk of spring onion (finely chopped)
A pinch of black pepper
A pinch of salt
1 tsp honey

Boil the carrot shavings as well as the corn to tenderise them
Take a saucepan and add in all the liquid content of the pineapple can to it; let it simmer on a low-medium flame
In a bowl, take the corn flour and water and mix it well
Slowly add in the corn flour mixture to the pan, stirring it all the while to avoid lumps
Cook it for a few minutes until the sauce thickens and the whiteness of the corn flour vanishes completely
Add in the black pepper, salt and honey
Add in eight to ten chunks of crushed pineapple to the sauce
Let it cook for three minutes and then add in the carrots, corn and thinly-sliced spring onion
Add in the cucumbers last and take it off the flame immediately
In a plate, take one of the chicken breasts, top it off with a generous serving of the pineapple sauce and serve immediately with French fries, coleslaw and spinach puree.

Boil the carrot shavings as well as the corn to tenderise them
Take a saucepan and add in all the liquid content of the pineapple can to it; let it simmer on a low-medium flame
In a bowl, take the corn flour and water and mix it well
Slowly add in the corn flour mixture to the pan, stirring it all the while to avoid lumps
Cook it for a few minutes until the sauce thickens and the whiteness of the corn flour vanishes completely
Add in the black pepper, salt and honey
Add in eight to ten chunks of crushed pineapple to the sauce
Let it cook for three minutes and then add in the carrots, corn and thinly-sliced spring onion
Add in the cucumbers last and take it off the flame immediately
In a plate, take one of the chicken breasts, top it off with a generous serving of the pineapple sauce and serve immediately with French fries, coleslaw and spinach puree.